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How to Remove Third-Party Icons from Menu Bar on Mac

We’ve all seen photos of Mac desktops covered with unorganized manuscript icons, folders rambling across the screen, and walk in single file names so as to are to all intents and purposes unclickable as they’ve been buried.

Equally bad is a messy menu shaft — with the addition of all fresh icon, you search out gratuitous notifications, clutter by the top of your screen, pop-ups, and other maddening facial appearance so as to you probably don’t lack.

This can be particularly frustrating as you belief you had already deleted an point, uninstalled an app, or assert icons you truly lack in the menu so as to are being buried by third-party apps.

Here’s how to remove individuals pesky icons in the past and in favor of all!

Why Do Third-Party App Icons Show up on Mac Menu Bar?

By default, the menu shaft doesn’t contain very many icons. You’ve got the stop dial, internet connection indicator, and battery follower to start. If you’ve customized a fragment, you might too assert Bluetooth, Time Machine, or AirPlay twisted on as well.

However, precise applications will arrive with menu shaft integrations so as to certainly launch each while you receptive your Mac laptop, anyhow of whether or not you’re now using its associated series. This can be imposing if it’s something you truly lack to notice — but if it’s not, you need to achieve approximately digging to spin this capability rancid.

Sometimes programs will leave behind their plugins even if you’ve already uninstalled the use. For model, Adobe’s Creative Cloud software doesn’t uninstall the launch agent, even if you delete all of the programs associated with it. Popular order to search out divest of it, you assert to truly uninstall the software using the built-in uninstaller — not absolutely dragging it to the Trash.

Finally, third-party icons may well TV show up in your menu shaft simply as they don’t offer a built-in way to be indifferent. Popular these luggage, you can wastage a series like CleanMyMac X to compellingly and completely erase them from your laptop.

We’ll go away finished the solutions to all three types of icon issues lower, so don’t be anxious if you feel lost!

1. If the App Launches on Login: Disable via System Settings (Login Items)
Is the offending menu shaft icon screening up each while you log in to your Mac even if you haven’t opened the associated use?

If you’re still interested in keeping the icon/application but absolutely don’t lack it to start up with no your say-so, you need to modification a a small number of settings.

First, go away to “Settings” by clicking on the Apple logo in the top-left of the menu shaft and choosing “System Preferences”.

Next, pick “Users and Groups” from the grid. It be supposed to be to hand the underside, and highlight a silhouette logo.

Now point out “Login Items”.

Lastly, wastage the “+” and “-” buttons to disable some applications so as to you don’t lack certainly preparatory, or to add the ones so as to you achieve lack to.

You be supposed to notice a difference the after that while you log on show and log back in.

2. If It Has an Uninstaller: Remove with the Uninstaller
Although it’s take away universal on macOS than Windows, approximately programs assert custom uninstallers so as to necessity be used if you lack to search out divest of all the associated records. These programs are regularly pretty stout in size, and the uninstaller is adept of decision all the single parts — where simply dragging it into the Trash barely removes the major chunks.

Seeing that we mentioned, Adobe Creative Cloud is lone such app. It uses menu shaft integration to help you administer your bank account, but even gone you remove the concrete programs this icon will wait.

You’ll need to locate the uninstaller in Finder, which you can achieve by selecting “This Mac” in favor of your search, and either searching the program’s tag, or in favor of “uninstaller”.

When you get the uninstaller, double-click to run it. Every app will assert changed advice, but you’ll likely be asked to confirm the uninstall, enter an administrator password, and it follows that pass the time while the uninstaller removes all related records and it follows that itself.

3. If It Has No Uninstaller: Use CleanMyMac (Optimization > Launch Agents)
Some apps are trickier — or more poorly urban — than others. Often in favor of security reasons (for model, preventing users from exploiting limitless trials), they don’t interminably completely remove all of the data from your Mac, plus integration with the menu shaft.

Since these apps don’t assert their own uninstallers like Adobe, and the series records are regularly buried in cloak folders you possibly will by no means get manually, you’ll need a Mac cleaner app in order to disable or remove them.

Here’s how to achieve it:

First, download CleanMyMac X and install it on your Mac. Open the app and go away to Optimization > Launch Agents.

Note: A Launch Agent is regularly a small helper or service use of the app. Many app developers hard helper applications to autorun as you start your Mac, but often this is not crucial. Popular as a rule luggage, you can disable or even remove the helper app.

Select the agents you nix longer need, and CleanMyMac will completely erase them in favor of you.

Keep in mind this is will completely remove the icon, so if you absolutely lack to disable it, check the settings of the mother app or disable the “launch by login” option we mentioned earlier.

Icons can be incredibly maddening, but luckily they’re unadorned to remove anyhow of the series they arrive with. When tossing the major use in the trash doesn’t achieve the trick (or if you barely lack to search out divest of the icon but not the app), nearby are several ways to prevent clutter on your menu shaft.

With all the extras on show of the way, you can pressurize somebody into area in favor of the tools you wastage on a regular basis, reduce the load on your Mac, and streamline your day-to-day activities. All these methods be supposed to take nix more than a a small number of minutes to successfully effect, and in the past you achieve, you’re well on your way to a more enjoyable Mac experience.

Not a help article. I want to remove the icons as your title claimed, not remove the apps…

This exactly, wastage the app bartender. It’s the barely way I know and you don’t delete assert to delete the app. Article is genuinely meaningless.

Same this article is mis aristocratic and meaningless

This article was very cooperative, thank you!

Concerned Visitor
Concerned Visitor
Nicole you’ve got to exert yourself on your articles honey.

Dyanko Yovchev
Dyanko Yovchev
I’m positive 99% of the those who assert the intellectual abilities requisite to wastage a laptop would fit into on show by themselves so as to uninstalling or not running an app would remove its icon from the Menu… So this is not a very cooperative article.

I grant with Stephen, this article title is misleading. Way to go away on your SEO though. Guess I’ll assert to information you to Google

Shite, this shows app exclusion not icon exclusion, recognition.

It’s not a bad article, absolutely not truly cooperative. Like the comment of a different person who reads – I want to absolutely remove the icon from the menubar, but still wastage the app.

Jack Shulman
Jack Shulman

I lack to remove the BitDefender icon in my menubar. It seems to b a complaint from Bitdefender so as to the Shield is disabled. It is acutely maddening to notice this in my menubar.

Please give permission me know how to remove it, If I can’t remove it, I will switch to a different antivirus series.


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